DAVHYD Äethèrym

Fotografías & Carteles & Poesía

Tengo una Cuenta en Desmotivaciones, donde iré subiendo carteles críticos con la Sociedad y de Humor Crítico.

Seguro que os gustan! Además, subiré mis propias fotografías aquí! Cada una con un Poema Adjunto! El poema de la foto actual saldrá aquí, el resto en Google Docs!

Death is Poetry by D.O. de Pedro



She looked at her, crying,
not knowing, wondering
her glorious judging.

Merciless, relentless,
a known name to fear,
a dark voice to hear...

Death is cruel, yet merciful,
Death is ugly, yet beautiful,
Death is sad, yet glorious.

Death is dark, yet filled with light anew...

She looks at her eyes,
in her fear of demise,
unwilling to die.

Merciless, relentless,
in the shadows hidden,
to see light forbidden...

Death is pain, yet grace,
Death is unknowing, all-seeing,
Death is cold, reminiscing ice

While the light slips away from her life...

Death is new, old, dark, light,
Death is not just remnants of war.

Death is warm, cold, shadow and life,
Death is Poetry, Death is Art...
Mister Gaga

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